T-SQL to concatenate multiple rows of DateTime column
I need to concatenate the following EventDate (latest to oldest) into a single row grouped by ParentWebGuid on Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 database view:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ParentWebGuid, TypeOfEvent, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), EventDate, 103) AS EventDateString FROM dbo.SupervisionEvent WHERE (TypeOfEvent = 'Visit [P]RP') ORDER BY ParentWebGuid, EventDate DESC
SELECT DISTINCT TOP (100) PERCENT ParentWebGuid, REPLACE ((SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), EventDate, 103) AS 'data()' FROM dbo.SupervisionEvent WHERE (TypeOfEvent = 'Visit [P]RP') AND (ParentWebGuid = mainTable.ParentWebGuid) ORDER BY EventDate DESC FOR XML PATH('')), ' ', ', ') AS VisitPrpEventDates FROM dbo.SupervisionEvent AS mainTable WHERE (TypeOfEvent = 'Visit [P]RP')
AS 'data()' to eliminate column name being displayed as result
WHERE (TypeOfEvent = 'Visit [P]RP') to limit result to certain TypeOfEvent on both main and sub-query.
FOR XML PATH('') to output as concatenated string separated by space
REPLACE(, ' ', ', ') solved my problem very well as the concatenated date string is separated by by space and can be replaced in this case with a comma and space which can be any separator string.
Hopefully this note will help me and you in the future if we encounter similar problem using T-SQL (Transact-SQL for Microsoft SQL Server)