PowerShell to backup SPWeb and its children


In line with previous article I wrote about restoring SPWeb backup using PowerShell script, I've written another one to perform backup of SPWeb and children.


# Created by Ben - 7 March 2019
# PowerShell script to export SPWeb and nested SPWebs ($webUrlPattern) to $exportToFolder
# -IncludeVersions 4 = All versions for files and list items
#                  3 = Last major and last minor version for files and list items
#                  2 = The current version, either the last major version or the last minor version
#                  1 = Last major version for files and list items (default)
# Supported by SharePoint 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019
# Note: this script can be adjusted to support SPSite or SPList


$startTime = (Get-Date)

$exportToFolder = 'Exported' + $startTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss")
$webUrl = "http://your-site-url/cases"
$webUrlPattern = $webUrl+'/..../'

$currentPs1Filename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$currentPs1FilePath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$currentPs1FileFolder = $currentPs1FilePath.SubString(0,$currentPs1FilePath.indexOf($currentPs1Filename))
$exportToFolderPath = $currentPs1FileFolder + $exportToFolder + '\'

if(!(Test-Path $exportToFolderPath)) {
    Write-Host Creating new folder $exportToFolderPath
    New-item -Path $currentPs1FileFolder -Name $exportToFolder -ItemType 'directory'    

if ((gsnp "*sharepoint*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null){asnp *sharepoint*}
$web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $webUrl
$counter = 0

$web.site.allwebs | ?{$_.url -match $webUrlPattern} | ?{
    $counter +=1
    $cmpFilePath = $exportToFolderPath + $_.id.ToString() + '.cmp'
    Write-Host Exporting $_.url to $cmpFilePath
    Export-SPWeb -Identity $_.url -Path $cmpFilePath -IncludeVersions 4 -IncludeUserSecurity -Force

Write-Host Total number of SPWeb exported: $counter
Write-Host Duration: ((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalMinutes minutes



I hope it's self-explanatory. If not, please leave some comments and I'll write more about it. Thanks.


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