I've just replaced the front parking bulb (5W 12V T10) of my Honda Jazz 2009. If you want to save a trip to a workshop by doing it yourself, please watch my youtube channel https://youtu.be/g1XZPGlnckU Please like and subscribe if you want more video like this in the future. Thanks.
Problem I need to correct the hostname of SharePoint Online to match my hostname Solution 1. Navigate to https://aka.ms/SPORenameAddDomain 2. Add new domain name, for example YourNewHostName .onmicrosoft.com 3. Run SharePoint Online Management Shell and use the following commands: Connect-SPOService https:// YourCurrentHostName -admin.sharepoint.com Start-SPOTenantRename -DomainName YourNewHostName -ScheduledDateTime "2022-12-16T11:30:00" Note: the scheduled time must be at least 24 hours in the future. The time is your current computer time.
Problem I need to migrate a SPWeb with custom SPList form (PowerApps) within the same SPSite collection. Solution Run the following PnP PowerShell command from Windows PowerShell ISE $TemplateFilePath = "C:\temp\ PnPSiteTemplate_ YourSourceFormSubsiteName .xml " $SourceSiteConnection = Connect-PnPOnline https:// YourTenancy .sharepoint.com/sites/ SharePointForms/PROD/YourSourceFormSubsiteName -Interactive Get-PnPSiteTemplate -Connection $SourceSiteConnection -PersistBrandingFiles -IncludeAllPages -Verbose -Out $TemplateFilePath $TargetSiteConnection = Connect-PnPOnline https:// YourTenancy .sharepoint.com/sites/ SharePointForms/PROD/YourTargetFormSubsiteName -Interactive Invoke-PnPSiteTemplate -Connection $TargetSiteConnection -Path $TemplateFilePath -ClearNavigation Disconnect-PnPOnline Ensure the target copied list is unmodified. Do not rename it or change it until the PowerApps are imported and republished to prevent Data Source confusion after import. Navigate to List s...